Not just F1. He was the best ever motorcycle commentator. TT, Superbikes, MotoGP, he covered them all.
any f1 fan of a certain vintage will shed a tear for murray.
the embodiment of enthusiasm..
Not just F1. He was the best ever motorcycle commentator. TT, Superbikes, MotoGP, he covered them all.
apparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
( I hate that label " straight" as opposed to what, narrow ?)
I thought the opposite of straight was "bent". As in "bent as a nine bob note"!
source - march 2021 announcements - -
this is a sobering reminder of what happened some 40 years ago when raymond franz and others were literally kicked out from the jehovah's witnesses for having pre-arranged private spiritual discussions.lesson: paragraph 7 is another example of the i and t in dr. steven hassan's bite model of the 21st century cult - information and thought control at its best!!!!
"my gosh, there must be a lot of independent meetings these days.
What are they trying to stop?
They are trying to stop the R & F finding out "the truth about the truth". Even the GB must realise that so much of what they preach is nonsense. How can they continue to preach about Adam & Eve just 6,000 years ago as the first humans? There is so much evidence available on the internet to debunk such teachings. Similarly with the flood as taught by JW's.
The only Q & A items these days are from the likes of the WT or group book where the answers are prepared for you. Not the slightest interpretation allowed. Even the CO visit has removed any Q & A items from his talks. Now his three items are just talks, brainwashing the audience. The "new things learned" item he used to have is long gone. Come to think of it that was on a Saturday evening, really showing my age now.
apparently , some bright spark has created a new sexuality - super-straight - and posted it on twitter.
it's a new sexuality that means people who are exclusively attracted to cisgender males or females.
it was made because some people are saying you aren't straight if you don't date transgender people.
I'm just miserable because all the Marcus Nimbler videos have been removed from YouTube. What does that say about my sexuality or all those similarly complaining today?
i recently had an online exchange with an active jw about the blood issue.
he originally wanted to talk about the potential dangers of transfusions but i pointed out that the risks of transfusions have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that jws reject blood, and therefore i didn’t see any value in debating that topic.. not able to let it go, he then insisted that the blood mandate was a common theme throughout the bible, quoting acts 15:29.. it’s been a while since i looked into the subject, and i admit i’m now a little rusty when it comes to recalling where to find biblical quotes, but i remembered that there are passages in both the new and old testaments that, when read in the context of the time they were written, call into question the watchtower’s rendition of acts 15:29.. i offered to do some bible research and get back to the jw, suggesting that rather than letting our discussion become combative, we could have an informative and interesting exchange of ideas.
i reassured him that i was not looking to undermine his convictions, in fact i was more than happy to be corrected if my thinking was wrong.
Thanks Stan & Earnest.
i recently had an online exchange with an active jw about the blood issue.
he originally wanted to talk about the potential dangers of transfusions but i pointed out that the risks of transfusions have nothing whatsoever to do with the reason that jws reject blood, and therefore i didn’t see any value in debating that topic.. not able to let it go, he then insisted that the blood mandate was a common theme throughout the bible, quoting acts 15:29.. it’s been a while since i looked into the subject, and i admit i’m now a little rusty when it comes to recalling where to find biblical quotes, but i remembered that there are passages in both the new and old testaments that, when read in the context of the time they were written, call into question the watchtower’s rendition of acts 15:29.. i offered to do some bible research and get back to the jw, suggesting that rather than letting our discussion become combative, we could have an informative and interesting exchange of ideas.
i reassured him that i was not looking to undermine his convictions, in fact i was more than happy to be corrected if my thinking was wrong.
Didnt former member Cofty write the same thing a year or 2 back ?
"Former Member"? Have I missed something?
these cartoons have been labeled by the venerable new york times newspaper as offensive.
they offend mexicans and pepe is a womanizing french skunk too handsy enabling the “rape culture “.
this stuff is getting so ridiculous it isn’t funny.
There was an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman. Sorry, that's probably racist.
Did you hear about the blonde? That'll be sexist or stereotypical.
Two Asian heroin addicts have injected themselves with curry powder by mistake - both are in intensive care... One has a dodgy tikka and the other one is in a korma!
George who has never been PC and is too old to change.
As long as they stay our of the US politics and keep their dumb mouths shut, I'm fine with that.
I feel exactly the same about our Royal Family. Foreigners telling us that our system should be abolished doesn't go down well at all.
gen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
He claimed that he could get photosynthesis to take place without visible light by administering an energy “kick” from hydrogen (whatever that meant).
"In place of light, they supplied the initial energy 'kick' with hydrogen gas, known to be a powerful electron supplier." "The result was the production of reduced pyridine nucleotide by chloroplasts (that is, the build-up of a key store of chemical energy) entirely in the dark." Is The Bible Really the word of God? - 1969 p.23
This is also referenced in the old "Aid" book pp 1630-31.
So that's where I've been going wrong...............